April 2020 - World News Today



Thursday, April 30, 2020

Australian police shoot man dead after stabbings in Pilbara
Coronavirus: 'World is too fragile' - UN secretary general
Three continents, four lives, one day
Coronavirus: Michigan lockdown protesters enter statehouse
Coronavirus: Seven million Afghan children risk hunger - report
Coronavirus: How can I help?
Coronavirus: Northern Territory first in Australia to lift major restrictions
Coronavirus: Armed protesters enter Michigan statehouse
Nigerian drummer Tony Allen dies aged 79
Coronavirus: Gulshan Ewing's death adds to care home tragedy
The worldwide race to make solar power more efficient
How The Assistant exposes Hollywood's abuse silence
Quiz of the Week: On UFOs, lockdown loosening and more
Africa's week in pictures: 24 - 30 April 2020
Coronavirus in Ghana: Online funerals, face masks and elections without rallies
Coronavirus: France offers subsidy to tempt lockdown cyclists
Hezbollah: Germany bans and raids Islamist group
Coronavirus: Yemen reports first deaths amid fears of undetected spread
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Coronavirus and South Korea: How lives changed to beat the virus
Coronavirus: New York funeral home puts corpses in lorries
South African anti-apartheid veteran Denis Goldberg dies
Tesla warns on shutdown as Musk calls for end to lockdown

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Fox News Breaking News Alert
Rishi Kapoor: Bollywood's eternal romantic hero dies at 67
US blacklists five Amazon foreign websites
Coronavirus: Trump says China wants him to lose re-election
Coronavirus: Serena Williams among stars to compete in Mario Tennis tournament
Harrison Ford investigated over LA runway incident
Coronavirus kills 70 veterans at Massachusetts care home
Irrfan Khan: The Bollywood star loved by Hollywood
Coronavirus: Searching for truth behind Spain's care home tragedy
Coronavirus: Japan's low testing rate raises questions
Training AI 'to translate mum's phone messages'
Staging a 'socially distanced' boxing match
Coronavirus: Why the fashion industry faces an 'existential crisis'
Coronavirus: Why so many US nurses are out of work
How will airlines get flying again?
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Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: Greeks ponder ban on fax machines in state offices
Exotic dancers swap club for food delivery service
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Coronavirus: Europe grapples with lifting limits on travel
Coronavirus: Switzerland says young children can hug grandparents
Oscars change streaming rules amid battle for future of cinemas
India coronavirus lockdown: Stranded migrants can return home
Malawi - where courts have blocked a coronavirus lockdown
US economy sees worst slump in over a decade
Coronavirus: Outcry as Spanish beach sprayed with bleach
How Irrfan Khan helped Slumdog Millionaire to become an Oscar winner
South Korea fire: Dozens killed in warehouse blaze in Icheon
Palestinians working in Israel face coronavirus dilemma
Germany's new Berlin airport set for take off, nine years late
Coronavirus: Transgender people 'extremely vulnerable' during lockdown
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Irrfan Khan, one of Indian cinema's finest exports
Coronavirus: A new way of dating during lockdown
Slumdog Millionaire actor Irrfan Khan dies

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Coronavirus: This is what reopening in US looks like
Trump orders US meatpacking plants to stay open
Disney sparks backlash with #MayThe4th tweet
Coronavirus: 'One billion' could become infected worldwide - report
El Salvador gangs: 'No ray of sunlight for inmates'
French police officers suspended for using racist slur in viral video
Coronavirus: India cancels order for 'faulty' China rapid test kits
Man dies after Lebanon economic protest turns violent
Who could lead North Korea without Kim?
Coronavirus: How New Zealand got its coffees and fires back
Coronavirus: Top NYC doctor takes her own life
Coronavirus: HSBC profits halved by pandemic fallout

Monday, April 27, 2020

Record 50.8 million internally displaced, IDMC report says
Luckin Coffee: Scandal-hit chain raided by regulators in China
Coronavirus: What Trump voters think of his handling of crisis
Coronavirus: Families foster pets during outbreak
Coronavirus: Florida pastor continues in-person services
Trump 'can't imagine why' US disinfectant calls spiked
Coronavirus: Argentina bans commercial flight sales until 1 September
The Uber driver evicted from home and left to die of coronavirus
Coronavirus: What Africa countries are doing to help people to eat amid the lockdowns
Coronavirus: Mexico factory staff question 'essential work'
Stressed firms look for better ways to source products
Coronavirus immunity: Can you catch it twice?
Coronavirus and climate: Australia's chance to shift to green energy
Coronavirus: Belgians urged to eat more chips by lockdown-hit potato growers
Fox News Breaking News Alert
US reports deaths of civilians in Somali air strike
Major film festivals to unite for YouTube event
Gay men abused in Morocco after photos spread online
Coronavirus: Notre-Dame repairs restart amid lockdown
Coronavirus tests cause tailbacks at Kenya-Uganda border
Viral WhatsApp messages 'drop 70%'
Coronavirus: Airlines urge chancellor to extend job support scheme
El Salvador: Gangs 'taking advantage of pandemic'
Coronavirus: Schools start reopening in China's biggest cities
Coronavirus: Germans don compulsory masks as lockdown eases

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Coronavirus: New Zealand claims no community cases as lockdown eases
Airbus is 'bleeding cash', chief executive warns
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The boy who photographed La Belle Époque of France
Saudi Arabia to end executions for crimes committed by minors, says commission
Why so much US resistance to lockdown?
Rare glimpse into El Salvador's overcrowded prisons
Ken Walibora: How Kenya's 'king' of Swahili writing inspired me
Jack Ma: The billionaire trying to stop coronavirus (and fix China's reputation)
Coronavirus: Is it too early to expand our 'social bubbles'?
A visual guide to the economic impact
Coronavirus: Spain eases lockdown measures to allow children outside
Coronavirus: Chile to introduce controversial 'virus-free' ID
Coronavirus: Italy's PM outlines lockdown easing measures
More US states begin lifting virus lockdown orders
Coronavirus: Spain records lowest daily death toll as lockdown eases
Trump faces scrutiny over West Point address plans
Coronavirus: Auschwitz survivor Henri Kichka dies of Covid-19
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Rohingya crisis: Hundreds of refugees stranded in boats at sea
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Coronavirus: French police seize 140,000 black market masks
Coronavirus: 17 police officers die of Covid-19 in Peru
Per Olov Enquist: Swedish author dies at the age of 85

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Yemen war: Separatists declare autonomous rule in south
Coronavirus: Naomi Campbell and African artists entertain fans online
Coronavirus: Can these robot roommates liven up lockdown?
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: New York to allow tests in pharmacies
Ramadan: Muslims fast under coronavirus lockdowns
Coronavirus: The different approaches to lockdowns in Africa
China and US trade virus conspiracy theories
Coronavirus: Ecuador 'victim' found alive in hospital mix-up
Nepal earthquake: Surviving a deadly Everest avalanche
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Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: Worldwide death toll climbs to 200,000
Coronavirus: Berlin march against lockdown measures
Eurovision Again: Why fans of the song contest get together every Saturday
Coronavirus: Belarus orphanage seeks help amid 'critical' outbreak
Hong Kong protests: Jailed man gets judge's sympathy for stabbing
Coronavirus: NY man in lockdown shares his often hilarious lockdown life moments
Coronavirus: Immunity passports ‘could increase virus spread’
Lam Wing-kee: HK bookseller who defied China opens shop in Taiwan
Coronavirus: India allows small shops to reopen
Sergio Moro: Brazil prosecutor requests Bolsonaro 'meddling' probe

Friday, April 24, 2020

Coronavirus: Some states begin to reopen as US death toll passes 50,000
Nova Scotia shooting: 'They had no idea the hell they were going to face'
Messenger Rooms: Facebook's new video calls let 50 people drop in
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: Doctors dismantle Trump's treatment comments
Coronavirus: Belgium unveils plans to lift lockdown
Tree kangaroos: How a joey in Australia is helping save his wild cousins.
Coronavirus: Doctor rejects Trump's 'heat and light' idea at White House
Coronavirus: US death toll passes 50,000
Brazil justice minister Moro quits in Bolsonaro clash
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Coronavirus: France bans online sales of nicotine products
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South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa has face mask issues
Saudi Arabia: Prominent human rights activist 'dies in jail'
Coronavirus: Disinfectant firm issues warning after Trump comments
Genocide trial: IS suspect in court in Germany
Coronavirus: South Africa allows cigarette sales as lockdown restrictions eased
Coronavirus lockdown: Asian cooks make bamboo shoots top trend

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Stay-At-Home protesters: 'We want our lives back'
Coronavirus: Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment
Tom Hanks writes to boy called Corona who said he was bullied
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Rolling Stones release their first new song in eight years, Living In A Ghost Town
Coronavirus: 'I can't wash my hands - my water was cut off'
With humans vulnerable: How about a digital helper?
10 songs supporting the world through lockdown
Coronavirus: Is social distancing an oxymoron in India?
Ramadan: Fasting safely during coronavirus crisis
Coronavirus: 'I faked having Covid-19 on Facebook and got arrested'
Coronavirus: Smog pollution in Delhi vanishes
Severe storms and tornadoes kills six in Texas and Oklahoma
India rape: Six-year-old victim's eyes damaged in attack
Bundesliga 'ready to return on 9 May', says German Football League
Coronavirus: US unemployment claims hit 26.4 million
Book recommendations from today's top selling authors
Li Zehua: Journalist who 'disappeared' after Wuhan chase reappears
Syria civil war: Germany holds unprecedented state torture trial
Merkel warns coronavirus crisis 'still just the beginning'
Coronavirus: Boris Johnson nurse 'Jenny from New Zealand' on treating PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronavirus: Australia urges G20 action on wildlife wet markets
Fox News Breaking News Alert
'Zoombombing' targeted with new version of app
Wildfires rip through Poland's biggest national park
Coronavirus: How will the developing world cope?
Coronavirus: Stories of unemployment, fear and hope in the US
The Saudi tribe and the tech city
Mothers of murdered sons fight for justice in Colombia
Coronavirus: Ischgl resort at heart of Europe’s outbreak reopens
Developing world economies hit hard by coronavirus
Coronavirus: Why some Nigerians are gloating about Covid-19
Musk says SpaceX is 'fixing' brightness from satellites
Coronavirus: Trump signs order on immigration green card suspension
Coronavirus: Mexican wrestlers sew Lucha Libre face masks
Coronavirus: Ukrainian town sealed off after monastery outbreak
Coronavirus: Five of the countries most at risk from famine in 2020
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: South Africa deploys 70,000 troops to enforce lockdown
Coronavirus: Germany's states make face masks compulsory
Australia lorry crash: Four police officers killed in Melbourne
Coronavirus: First US deaths weeks earlier than thought
Iran's Revolutionary Guards ‘successfully launch military satellite’
Coronavirus: Spanish PM Sánchez sees 'slow and gradual' end to lockdown
Kenya hunts those filmed fleeing coronavirus quarantine centre
Coronavirus: Grandmas' top tips to get through lockdown
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Mozambique villagers 'massacred' by Islamists
Coronavirus: US health official warns of dangerous second wave
Coronavirus: Romania hands out steep lockdown fines
Man shoots dead wife and eight others in Lebanese town
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US bodycam footage shows man shooting at police

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Facebook's $5.7bn bet on India's richest man Mukesh Ambani
Coronavirus: Harvard rejects Trump demand to pay back aid
Coronavirus: US green cards to be halted for 60 days, Trump says
Coronavirus: Latin American crime gangs adapt to pandemic
Pescara football club adopts Italian boy's shirt design
Photographer Peter Beard: Tributes paid to 'visionary artist'
Coronavirus: Italy PM Conte says lockdown exit plan coming
Coronavirus: WHO worker killed in Myanmar collecting samples
Planned from scratch: Brasilia at 60 in pictures
Oil price still below zero as turmoil persists
India coronavirus lockdown: Broke tourists rescued from cave
The detention centre for teenage Taliban members
Kim Jong-un illness rumours denied amid intense speculation
Sri Lanka marks Easter Sunday attack anniversary

Monday, April 20, 2020

Coronavirus further threatening media freedom, says Reporters Without Borders
Coronavirus: Children with autism allowed to play in Italian park
Coronavirus: Immigration to US to be suspended amid pandemic, says Trump
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Facebook bans events that violate social distancing orders
Coronavirus: Governors ask Trump to call off lockdown protests
Virgin Australia slumps into voluntary administration
Saudi Arabia executed record number of people in 2019 - Amnesty
Coronavirus: Why are there doubts over contact-tracing apps?
Can you compare countries?
Coronavirus: Are hospital cleaners forgotten heroes in this crisis?
Coronavirus: Somali diaspora sends home stories of woe
Coronavirus dreams: Why are people having lockdown nightmares?
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: Reporter challenges Trump over Cuomo praise clip
Israel's Netanyahu and Gantz sign unity government deal
Coronavirus: Rush for haircuts in Denmark as lockdown eases
'Alien comet' visitor has weird composition
Facebook reveals Gaming app to rival Twitch and YouTube
Coronavirus: Brazil's Bolsonaro joins anti-lockdown protests
Coronavirus: Virgin Atlantic will fold without aid, warns Branson
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Coronavirus: Germany relaxes shop closures
Richard Wadani: Austrian Nazi deserter dies aged 97
Palghar lynching: India police arrest more than 100 suspects
Coronavirus: Three Sydney beaches re-open for exercise
Coronavirus lockdown: NZ to ease restrictions after 'stopping explosion'

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronavirus in Latin America: How bad is it?
Coronavirus journey: The 'last cruise ship on Earth' finally comes home
US oil prices drop to 21-year low as demand dries up
Australia coronavirus lockdown: Kangaroo hops through empty Adelaide streets
Disney stops paying 100,000 workers during downturn
The translators giving indigenous migrants a voice
How Typhoid Mary left a trail of scandal and death
India coronavirus: Should people pay for their own Covid-19 tests?
Coronavirus: The fear of being sentenced to a Kenyan quarantine centre
Fruit labourers: 'If you don't want to work like a slave, you're out'
Gold mining in Ghana: Going underground with a child miner
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: Amazon extends closure of French warehouses
Coronavirus: US faced with protests amid pressure to reopen
Iran warns US Navy over Gulf incident
Canada shooting: Nova Scotia gunman 'dressed as policeman' arrested
Coronavirus: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani 'in isolation as staff infected'
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Coronavirus: New York couples can now tie the knot over Zoom
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Coronavirus: US protests against and for lockdown restrictions
Lady Gaga, Billie Eilish, and the Rolling Stones Together At Home

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Together At Home concert: 9 things we spotted
Coronavirus: Japan doctors warn of health system 'break down' as cases surge
Coronavirus: Will Covid-19 speed up the use of robots to replace human workers?
Coronavirus: Madrid’s medical heroes in the fight of their lives
Coronavirus: Advice columnists give tips on dating, work and parents
Hudeidi: The Somali 'king of oud' who was felled by coronavirus
We are not prepared at all': Haiti, already impoverished, confronts a pandemic
Coronavirus: The view from my window
Coronavirus: Spanish PM promises to ease confinement of children
Trump: Some states 'to begin a safe, gradual and phased opening'
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Coronavirus: Lang Lang on taking part in all-star concert
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Coronavirus: Orthodox Easter weekend marked under lockdown
Thomas Thabane: Lesotho's PM sends army into streets
Hong Kong: High-profile democracy activists arrested

Friday, April 17, 2020

New mum meets baby after emergency birth in coma
Coronavirus: Star-studded One World: Together At Home concert to be aired
Climate change: 'Bath sponge' breakthrough could boost cleaner cars
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Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: Is pandemic being used for power grab in Europe?
Extreme piercing: A festival of self-inflicted pain
Ethiopia and Eritrea: A wedding, birth and baptism at the border
Week in pictures
BBC correspondents and contributors read poetry from the personal to the universal
Coronavirus: AI steps up in battle against Covid-19
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Eurovision venue turned into Covid-19 hospital
Israel 'heading towards record fourth election'
Saudi Arabia executes dance troupe attacker
Coronavirus: Ecuador sees massive surge in deaths in April
Coronavirus: China outbreak city Wuhan raises death toll by 50%
Coronavirus: Africa could be next epicentre, WHO warns
Coronavirus: Denmark to reopen hairdressers as it loosens lockdown
Climate change: US megadrought 'already under way'
India coronavirus: The underpaid and unprotected women leading the Covid-19 war
Coronavirus: A run through the 'warzone' of New York

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Coronavirus: Space crew return to very different Earth
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China's virus-hit economy shrinks for first time in decades
Coronavirus: The untold story of America's biggest outbreak
White House defends Ivanka Trump's personal travel amid lockdown
Saudi princess 'appeals to king for release from detention'
Quiz of the week: What did 'Captain Tom' set out to do?
Doctors and coronavirus: ‘How can we not be afraid?’
Africans in China: We face coronavirus discrimination
The scientists who made a 'home-brew' coronavirus test
Coronavirus: Iran and the US trade blame over sanctions
Africa's week in pictures: 10-16 April 2020
Coronavirus: 'Undocumented explosion' spreads around Brazil
Coronavirus: Chilean writer Luis Sepúlveda dies aged 70
India coronavirus: Tablighi Jamaat leader on manslaughter charge over Covid-19
Indian Premier League: 2020 tournament suspended until further notice
Coronavirus: Free our children from lockdown, says Barcelona mayor
New Zealand comic 'deeply sorry' for botched Jacinda Ardern cake
Coronavirus: 668 infected on French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle
US Navy accuses Iranian vessels of harassing warships in Gulf
Coronavirus lockdown: Lessons from Hokkaido's second wave of infections
Coronavirus in Africa: 'No time for half measures in helping the economy'
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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Biggest cosmic mystery 'step closer' to solution
Starving Rohingya refugees rescued off Bangladesh after two months at sea
Coronavirus: Fears of spike in poaching as pandemic poverty strikes
North Korean defector becomes first to win South Korea parliamentary seat
South Korea election: Ruling party wins amid coronavirus outbreak
Coronavirus: Michigan protesters defy stay-at-home order
Coronavirus: Trump says peak is passed and US to reopen soon
Coronavirus: How California kept ahead of the curve
Bangladesh overfishing: Almost all species pushed to brink
Coronavirus: French care home fights to keep Covid-19 at bay
Coronavirus: Is President Trump right to criticise the WHO?
Coronavirus: Rwandan radio stars spread hygiene message
Poland abortion: Protesters against ban defy coronavirus lockdown
Coronavirus: Amazon shuts French warehouses after court ruling
Coronavirus: Second Brazilian governor tests positive
G20 delays poor nations' debt payments
Climate change: Blue skies pushed Greenland 'into the red'
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: Trump's WHO de-funding 'as dangerous as it sounds'
Coronavirus: Amazon boss Jeff Bezos adds $24bn to fortune
Lagos unrest: The mystery of Nigeria's fake gangster attacks
Tour de France to go ahead at end of August after coronavirus delay
Coronavirus: Trump’s name to appear on US relief cheques
Mumbai: Frantic migrants throng Bandra station as India extends lockdown
Coronavirus: Denmark lets young children return to school

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Coronavirus lockdown: India removes farming restrictions, travel still banned
US airlines to receive $25bn rescue package
Accenture: ‘Every business will be a health business’
Epic Games delays the release of Fortnite's new season
Notre Dame fire: Fragile old lady of Paris waits for rescue
Coronavirus: Are the bodies of victims undermining Iran's official figures?
India coronavirus: Why are these migrants running away from quarantine?
Cyclone Harold and coronavirus: Pacific Islands face battle on two fronts
Coronavirus: Why lockdowns may not be the answer in Africa
The woman who discovered the first coronavirus
Coronavirus: Battle of survival for animals in German zoos
Coronavirus: The stars holding online reunions under lockdown
PM Narendra Modi says India will extend coronavirus lockdown until 3 May
Coronavirus: The students that are printing PPE masks in Tunisia
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Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: 'World faces worst recession since Great Depression'
Wisconsin Democrat Jill Karofsky in Supreme Court election upset
Measles resurgence fear amid coronavirus
Chernobyl: Ukraine officials call for calm as fire rages
Fox News Breaking News Alert

Monday, April 13, 2020

Coronavirus: Amazon plans hiring spree as orders surge
Coronavirus: 'I know what it's like to miss an Olympics'
Coronavirus: Reporter grills Trump on pandemic response
Coronavirus: Austria reopens some shops as lockdown eased
French F1 Grand Prix set to be postponed
Coronavirus: New York region explores reopening as cases 'plateau'
Coronavirus: How to cope with living alone in self-isolation
India coronavirus: World's largest postal service turns lifesaver
Greek artists fight race violence with a digital map
The audacious plan that could save a species
Why computer games are more than a lockdown distraction
Coronavirus: 'I lost my mum on Mother's Day'
Coronavirus: Egypt PM deplores blocked burial of virus doctor
Coronavirus: Indonesian village uses 'ghosts' for distancing patrols
Two men arrested for murder of Miami girl over Adidas Yeezy shoes
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Coronavirus: First sailor on virus-stricken USS Roosevelt dies
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Fox News Breaking News Alert
India coronavirus: Doctor's reattach policeman's hand severed in lockdown attack
Coronavirus lockdown spares Czech women an Easter whipping
Coronavirus: Five ways the outbreak is hitting global food industry
50,000-year-old string found at France Neanderthal site
Coronavirus: Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio illuminated as doctor
Coronavirus: Spain begins to ease lockdown to revive economy
Kenyan weddings, births and deaths in the age of Covid-19
Coronavirus: Parents are 'proud' of daughter who nursed PM

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Coronavirus: Food delivery driver paying back doctors who saved him
Coronavirus: Six people shot at California house party during lockdown
Deadly tornadoes batter southern US states
Coronavirus: Italian tenor Bocelli sings at Milan's empty cathedral
Apollo 13: Enhanced images reveal life on stricken spacecraft
Coronavirus: Japan rushes to house thousands of homeless people
Coronavirus: When home gets violent under lockdown in Europe
Coronavirus: India's race against time to save doctors
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Coronavirus: Italy orders rescued migrants onto quarantine ship
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ICYMI: Cats, confessions and concerts
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Fox News Breaking News Alert
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: Pope Francis says mass behind closed doors
Coronavirus: Pope calls for global solidarity in Easter message
Assange 'secretly fathered two children' in Ecuadorian embassy
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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Coronavirus: Pope Francis urges people not to 'yield to fear'
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Fox News Breaking News Alert
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Army officer hanged for murder of Bangladesh's founding president
Why does President Trump want to mine on the Moon?
Coronavirus: Why has the virus hit African Americans so hard?
Coronavirus: Why Denmark taking steps to open up again
Why coronavirus could be catastrophic for Venezuela
Bollywood: Coronavirus brings India's mega movie industry to standstill
Push-ups to fake guests: Curious African coronavirus moments
Coronavirus: US death toll overtakes Italy as world's highest
Coronavirus: Easter celebrations continue under lockdown
Ex-Disney animator brings Antarctic story to life
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: India to extend nationwide lockdown, state minister says

Friday, April 10, 2020

Coronavirus: Rise in US unemployment leads to food bank queues
Coronavirus: Brazil reports over 1,000 deaths
Coronavirus: The children struggling to survive India's lockdown
How the spread of coronavirus is testing Africa
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Russia prison: Jail ablaze in Angarsk Siberia after inmates riot
Week in pictures: 4-10 April 2020
Coronavirus: I'm using my pizza oven to toss masks for nurses
Coronavirus: What can the UK learn from Germany on testing?
Coronavirus: 'Deadly resurgence' if curbs lifted too early, WHO warns
Fox News Breaking News Alert
China ZTE executive quits amid sex assault allegations
Coronavirus: Why Pakistan's doctors are so angry
Coronavirus: German region eases Baltic coast travel ban
US-Mexico border: Thousands of migrants expelled under coronavirus powers
Coronavirus: Teachers in Singapore stop using Zoom after 'lewd' incidents
Coronavirus in South Africa: Lockdown extension condemned
Coronavirus: World celebrates Easter despite lockdown
Coronavirus: New York mass graves operations ramp up amid virus
Coronavirus: New York using mass graves amid outbreak

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus: Great apes on lockdown over threat of disease
Cities struggling to boost urban tree cover
The Beatles: Quarrymen photo emerges on Fab Four split anniversary
Coronavirus: Love and dating in lockdown
Coronavirus: Astronauts arrive at ISS after long quarantine
US shares see their biggest weekly gain in 46 years
Coronavirus: New York has more cases than any country
Western economies slow to react to crisis says leading economist
Should the world worry about Singapore's virus surge?
BepiColombo: Mercury mission set to wave goodbye to Earth
Yemen: World Food Programme to cut aid by half in Houthi-controlled areas
Clothing makers in Asia give stark coronavirus warning
ISS crew blast off after long quarantine
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus: WHO chief and Taiwan in row over 'racist' comments
Coronavirus: Italy might relax some measures
Mysteries of decorated ostrich eggs in British Museum revealed
Coronavirus: US weekly jobless claims hit 6.6 million
Coronavirus: Christians face lockdown for Easter
Coronavirus: The teenagers still learning during lockdown
Coronavirus fuels a surge in fake medicines
Coronavirus: Spain PM sees 'fire coming under control'
Coronavirus: Bangladesh locks down a million in Rohingya camps
Coronavirus: World Bank predicts sub-Saharan Africa recession
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Coronavirus in Suifenhe: Remote border town locks down as China opens up

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Giuseppe Conte: EU needs to help coronavirus hit countries
Virus could push half a billion people into poverty
Porous borders where virus cannot be controlled
Disney Plus racks up 50m subscribers in five months
Coronavirus: Two US towns, two very different experiences
How India’s behemoth railways are joining the fight against Covid-19
Will we ever take cruise holidays again?